Post Easter Update
Well, I'm back from my long Easter weekend, and have lots to report. There was some knitting, lots of eating, some yarn buying.... yes I bought yarn. I am supposed to be on a major yarn diet, but the more I try not to buy any, the more I buy. How can this happen? Anyways, it does and I can't stop it. There must be a cure for this disease. If anyone knows just let me know!!! In any case the weekend was great. I spent some time with my Mom, we ate tons of mini eggs (see specimen A on the left). I LOVE mini eggs, it's usually the only thing I want for Easter. I guess I love them so much that I took a picture of them, maybe so that in a month or two, or even six months from now, when I may be longing for that sweet, chocolaty goodness I could go back in my blog archives and look at my yummy mini eggs. And guess what! Just looking at them won't put any excess weight on my butt either. So feel free to save this picture, so you too can have your own calorie free version. I must be crazy! As I mentioned I bought yarn. I bought some nice brown sock yarn, for the Clessidra socks from Knitty. That is not a pressing project, but some time in the next year or so. I also bought yarn to make the Dots and Stripes baby blanket from Adorable knits for Tiny Tots. I didn't get the exact yarn, as my LYS doesn't carry Rowan yarns, but I did find a nice cotton blend DK weight, in some very pretty colors. The intended recipient is still in the womb, but due to arrive late in July, so I have time. However, that is if I decide to actually go ahead with this proje
ct. I don't know if there's anyone out there that has actually knit this blanket, I am really starting to doubt it. It's crazy( see picture to the left for proof). You need to have like a million little balls of the yarn for the intarsia charts, and it just gets messy. I mean really tangly. So, being me and with my obsession with all things organizational, such as Ziploc bags, I decided to try to get it in order. I did. Then I looked at it for a while thinking about if I really want to proceed with this madness. I decided I would try it with the little balls all in the little baggies. I knit about 3 more rows and the #$%^&$#$ thing was so tangled I just threw the whole works of it inside my ottoman/coffee
table where I couldn't see it. I have thought about it many times today, but did not feel compelled to even take it out and look at it. Actually it totally turned me from knitting. I did not knit even one single stitch today. This project may not materialize. On a positive note I did finish the Rib and Cable socks f
or V. He loves them and says he wants more. They were fun to knit, but the dark gray is hard on the eyes, especially at night knitting sessions, but the results were so worth it. He even got complimented on them today from his Chiropractor. The picture doesn't really do them justice, as again the dark gray was really hard to photograph. Here they are anyways. I am planning to work on the Jane pullover tonight, not much progress on her over the weekend. Hoping to get that one finished up soon. I am really wanting to knit some more socks, some really nice socks, just for ME. I have been coveting a skein of Sundara hand dyed yarn in a gorgeous amethyst color. I am trying to decide what pattern to do. I think they will be Jaywalkers, as I haven't tried that pattern yet, but really like it. The Pomatomus socks are also a possibility but, not sure I want to read charts.... I'll sleep on it. Oh!!! and on the subject of socks. Sign-ups for Sockapalooza 4 are supposed to be sometime today. I have been checking The Blue Blog like a crazy lunatic all day, just so I can assure I get signed up. Hopefully soon.... otherwise I'll be dreaming about it all night. Oh my, this is such a disease. Is it normal to have yarn dreams? Maybe I should mention this to a professional?
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