So, I don't know if you've read other postings on the blog, or follow, but a while back I had posted some FO's, one being my Tiddly Winks Quilt that I had made for my sister (who loved it by the way, and sister #2 is now requesting a quilt for her Birthday in June). Well, my lovely mother wrote a very nice comment about how I was a chip off the old block and how I had inspired her to get her machine out and get sewing and make a quilt for her little God daughter. Well, it turns out she's gone right to town on the quilting, and went home and whipped up this cute flowery quilt. I just love it, and I know it's perfect for little Isabelle. Good work Mom! I love it, and now you are motivating me to get out my unfinished quilts and finish them up. So with that being said today I bring you some in progress pictured of my, up to now, mysterious Paisley Craze Quilt. It's not done yet, I still have a million hours of hand sewing (why oh why do I punish myself??????), but this is just an idea of what it looks like. I am about three quarters of the way through piecing the border, then it's finish up the #$%*! hand stitching and then it's just assembling, quilting and binding. You know it's really the little things in quilting that take the most time.

Now, this picture is kind of crappy because I had to put it on the bed to photograph it, as the border is almost the exact shade as the hardwood floor, so that will explain the bumpy, lumpy look, but at least you get the idea of the design. The next shot is a closeup of one of the 9 paisley's in which I have completed the hand stitching. As you can see, I chose gold, as there are streaks of gold in the pinky, purply, orangy inside border and dots. It brings the gold out in those. Overall I am pleased with the look so far, and I can't wait to get it done. Soon.....
In other crafty news, and still with no picture my Calender quilt is like 99.9% done. I am almost done hand sewing the binding on the wrong side. As I mentioned before it's the little jobs in quilting that are the most time consuming, boring and tedious, but as they say if you crave the result enough you will get through it. So I just keep looking at the pattern picture and trying to motivate myself.
In Knitterly news, not too much exciting happening. Sock #2 has still not been cast on yet, it appears that I may be suffering a wee bit of the second sock syndrome but I intend to put a stop to that either today or definitely tomorrow as we have a three hour car trip ahead of us. The Jane Pullover has almost another full sleeve, but I am confident she will have two sleeves before the end of the day. I'll find little intervals of time between my house work and dinner preparations to get some knitting done. Yes, dinner preparations, DB came home yesterday and told me his boss will be coming over for dinner tonight. Nothing too fancy, after all, it is a week night and short notice. So we are having spinach salad with peppered goat cheese and balsamic vinaigrette, Penne pasta with a spicy Italian sausage and cherry tomato sauce, and last but certainly not least poppy seed angel food cakes with a berry coulis. Not bad for last minute Eh??? Hopefully this will score some good points with DB, and bring on the ring!!! Oh, I am a dreamer. Well, enough dreaming I gots lots to do. Catch ya later.